• When making up alliterative jingles, draw attention to the similarities in sounds at the beginning of words and emphasise the initial sound, e.g. mmmmummy,   shshshshadow, K-K-K-KKaty.
  • Plan activities listening carefully to different speech sounds, e.g. a sound chain copying the voice sound around the circle, or identifying other children’s voices on tape.
  • When singing or saying rhymes, talk about the similarities in the rhyming words. Make up alternative endings and encourage children to supply the last word of the second line, e.g. Hickory Dickory bee, The mouse ran down the…
  • Set up a listening area or other opportunities where children can enjoy rhymes and stories. either independently or with an adult.
  • Provide instruments for musical play.
  • Provide opportunities to listen in different kinds of environments e.g. outdoor spaces, dens, large and small rooms and buildings
  • Explore different kinds of surfaces and how noise bounces off them,
  • Talk with children about how we listen differently to different things, for example animals and types of music.