• Talk with children about why you encourage them to rest when they are tired or why they need to wear wellingtons when it is muddy outdoors.
  • Encourage children to notice the changes in their bodies after exercise, such as their heart beating faster.
  • Talk with children about the importance of hand-washing and infection control.
  • Help children who are struggling with self-care by leaving a last small step for them to complete, e.g. pulling up their trousers from just below the waist.
  • Do up zips on coats etc from behind and over child’s shoulder so they can view the process from their perspective.
  • Use social stories to support a child who is struggling to understand a new routine.
  • Notice when a child is always hungry, takes food from others or needs more food than their peers. This may be an indicator of dietary imbalance, an emotional or safeguarding need. Talk with parents/carers to find out eating patterns at home.
  • Notice when a child is often tired or sleepy during the day and find out from parents/carers how they are sleeping at night.
  • Notice when a child holds their breath to control the reactions of others. Talk with the child and parents/carers to encourage the child to express emotion in other ways.
  • Notice children who are unable to mirror the actions of others. Further support may be needed to activate mirror neurons in the brain.
  • Maintain an open dialogue with parents/carers about a child’s bowel and bladder control. Offer advice, support and reassurance. Make a referral to health and family support if needed