
  • Notice and mirror children’s reactions to changes in amount.
  • Add to objects & draw attention to the change in amount, using words like more.
  • When feeding babies comment on whether they would like more after being winded, e.g. Oh, you want more.
  • Use feeding, changing and bathing times for finger-play with young babies

Spatial awareness

  • Support babies’ developing awareness of their own bodies e.g. through baby massage and singing songs
  • During floor play sometimes place objects that are just in or just out of reach, including small objects on cloths that babies can pull towards themselves.


  • Encourage babies’ explorations of the characteristics of objects, e.g. by rolling a ball or sliding a block.
  • Demonstrate putting items inside others of similar shape


  • Sing patterned songs and rhymes with predictable movements or actions (including from children’s families).
  • Move with babies to the rhythm patterns in familiar songs, Encourage older babies to join in tapping and clapping along to simple rhythms.
  • Use repeated noises, movements and activities.
  • Play simple “to and fro” games, passing and rolling between the adult and child so they begin to predict which comes next.


  • Comment on the size and weight of objects when babies grasp things that are big or heavy.
  • During water play and bathing routines, show filling and emptying containers.
  • At the end of mealtimes show and comment on the empty bowl, cup or bottle: All gone!