Physical Development Bibliography

Books providing collections of cited references

  • O’Connor, A. & Daly, A. (2016) Understanding Physical Development in the Early Years: linking bodies and minds. Abingdon: Routledge
  • Sharma, A. & Cockerill, H. (2014) Mary Sheridan’s From Birth to Five Years : Children’s Developmental Progress. 4th edn. Abingdon: Routledge
  • Claxton, G. (2016) Intelligence in the Flesh: why your mind needs your body much more than it thinks. Newhaven CT: Yale University Press
  • Hanscom, A. J. (2016) Balanced and Barefoot: how unrestricted outdoor play makes for strong, confident and capable children. Oakland CA.: New Harbinger Publications
  • Stock Kranowitz, C. (2006) The Out-of-Sync Child: recognising and coping with sensory processing disorder. New York: Perigree Books.

Observational video materials

White J. (2010) Siren Films – books that accompany the observational DVD training films (these give extensive reference lists):

Early Excellence EExAT observational exemplification video clips

Web-based resources

Pikler Collection website – 40 years of research into the respectful care and natural unfolding of motor development of babies and very young children – curates everything that has been translated into the English language

NHS guide to ‘everything you need to know about caring for a baby’

Sensory Integration website – a guide to aspects of sensory development and where this needs help 

Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age World Health Organisation

Early Movers, a collaborative project between Loughborough University, the NCSEM and Loughborough campus nursery

Fine motor skills development

Why food is important for Speech Development

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